If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel – A tediously accurate map of the solar system

English: Moons of solar system scaled to Earth...
English: Moons of solar system scaled to Earth’s Moon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Wow!  We’ve talked before that humans can’t really comprehend large numbers, or very large or very small distances.  We have to deploy metaphors to handle them.  At this link is an image of the solar system, drawn to scale, including all the empty space.  If you think you’ve ever seen that, you may be in for a shock.  (And a lot of scrolling.)

If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel – A tediously accurate map of the solar system.

As the rightmost text says, if you scroll that far, you’d have to go thousands of times further to get to the next star.

h/t Pharygula

8 thoughts on “If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel – A tediously accurate map of the solar system

  1. I found it saves time to just hold down the mouse button until you see text or a planet flash by, then click back to what flashed, then repeat. You can cheat if you know the planetary distances from the sun by clicking at various points of the scroll bar, but you miss the interesting text messages, which become a bit profound toward the end.


  2. Really interesting, thanks for posting.

    The most fascinating discovery is that there are these giant white letters drifting through ampty space in between… 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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