Panpsychism and layers of consciousness

I've written before about panpyschism, the outlook that everything is conscious and that consciousness permeates the universe.  However, that previous post was within the context of replying to a TEDx talk, and I'm not entirely satisfied with the remarks I made back then, so this is a revisit of that topic. I've noted many times … Continue reading Panpsychism and layers of consciousness

Recommendation: The Roboteer Trilogy

I'm sure anyone who's paid attention to my science fiction novel recommendations has noticed that I love space opera.  But as much as I love the genre, I'm often aware of an issue many of its stories have.  In order to have the characters be in jeopardy, they often ignore the implications of artificial intelligence. … Continue reading Recommendation: The Roboteer Trilogy

Having productive internet conversations

Anyone who's frequented this blog knows I love having discussions, and can pontificate all day on subjects I'm interested in.  I've actually been participating in online discussions, on and off, for decades. My earliest conversations were on dial up bulletin boards.  Those were usually tightly focused discussions about technology and gaming.  With the rise of … Continue reading Having productive internet conversations