When were the earliest parts of the Bible written?

The NY Times has an interesting article about a study which purports to show that literacy may have been far more prevalent in pre-Babylonian exile Judah than many had thought.  The implication, it's believed, is that Biblical minimalist scholars who thought that no part of the Bible was composed until after the exile, are wrong. But … Continue reading When were the earliest parts of the Bible written?

Why the Exodus, as commonly understood, probably never happened

At the urging of one of my relatives, I watched Ridley Scott's 'Exodus: Gods and Kings'.  This relative, knowing my skeptical nature, thought I might enjoy Scott's naturalistic (mostly) take on the events in the story.  I'm sorry to say that I didn't really enjoy the movie, which is unusual for me because I usually do enjoy … Continue reading Why the Exodus, as commonly understood, probably never happened