Avatar: The Last Airbender: the live actioning

Poster for the live action remake of Avatar: The Last Airbender

Yesterday I watched the live action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Live action remakes of anime (or anime inspired) shows has been a dodgy proposition over the years, with the 2010 attempt for this franchise being a stark example. I actually enjoy most of them, but historically I'm an outlier. (I should note that … Continue reading Avatar: The Last Airbender: the live actioning

Existential Comics: the philosophy of magic

What is the difference between magic and science? It's been a while since I shared an Existential Comic. This one gets at a question we've discussed before, although it's been several years. What exactly is the distinction between the physical and non-physical, in this case between science and magic? Credit: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/537 Corey Mohler, the author, has a … Continue reading Existential Comics: the philosophy of magic

Cosmic voids and dark energy

Cosmic voids may cause dark energy, or at least provide an explanation for the Hubble tension. A team of Iranian scientists have proposed that dark energy may not be something inherent to space itself, but the result of cosmic voids, vast regions of the universe between galactic superclusters and filaments with relatively little matter.  Paul … Continue reading Cosmic voids and dark energy

What would randomness in general relativity mean?

A new approach for reconciling general relativity and quantum mechanics proposes adding some randomness in general relativity, making it less deterministic on small scales. For several decades, physicists have been trying to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics. These theories, despite each having been empirically validated to several decimal places, contradict each other. The problem … Continue reading What would randomness in general relativity mean?

Many-worlds, probabilities, and world stacks

In this video, Matt O'Dowd tackles the issue of probabilities in the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. A quick reminder. The central mystery of quantum mechanics is that quantum particles move like waves of possible outcomes that interfere with each other, until a measurement happens, when they appear to collapse to one localized outcome, the … Continue reading Many-worlds, probabilities, and world stacks

Tina’s new book on language and belief

https://philosophyandfiction.com/2023/11/01/pigs-and-truffles-giveaway/?page_id=7569 Tina Lee Foresee, a longtime fellow blogger, has a new book coming out: Truth & Generosity: How Truth Makes Language Possible, by her and her husband, Neal Weiner. From what I understand, it will be on the relationship between language and belief. She's working to promote the book, which is what the pig hunt … Continue reading Tina’s new book on language and belief