Tegmark’s Mathematical Universe Hypothesis

I recently read Max Tegmark’s latest book, ‘Our Mathematical Universe‘, about his views on multiverses and the ultimate nature of reality.  This is the fourth and final post in a series on the concepts and views he covers in the book. The previous entries were: Tegmark’s Level I Multiverse: infinite space Tegmark’s Level II Multiverse: bubble universes … Continue reading Tegmark’s Mathematical Universe Hypothesis

Science, philosophy, and caution about what we think we know

What is the difference between science and philosophy?  While there are enterprises that are clearly in one or the other, the dividing line isn't always a sharp one.  Science grew out of philosophy, particularly natural philosophy.  Some would say that science is itself a type of philosophy.  But what is the difference between what we … Continue reading Science, philosophy, and caution about what we think we know

Comet ISON and our lack of fear

Lots of people are excited about comet ISON and the spectacular show it will hopefully provide.  However, unlike most people throughout history, most of us do not regard it as an evil omen, an attack from an angry god, or fear it for any other reason.  There's a reason this.  Science! Aristotle thought that comets … Continue reading Comet ISON and our lack of fear